Journey to the Heart
From a spiritual perspective, our life's goal is to experience the love of God. The Enneagram is a practical means for facilitating this work. It helps you identify your spiritual gift and discern the path to a balanced and whole life. It leads you into a deeper understanding of being human. It is your path to God.
Journey to the Heart is an introduction that helps you gain a deeper understanding of the Enneagram and how to do the work of spiritual and personal development.
Spiritual Practices
I co-facilitate with Deb Richards, Spiritual Director and SoulCollage facilitator -- a Spiritual Practices retreat that includes Enneagram, SoulCollage, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, chanting, and spiritual journaling.
Boundless Compassion
I am a trained facilitator for Boundless Compassion workshops. Based on Joyce Rupp's ministry of teaching compassion, these workshops help you build the skills, awareness and understanding to be a compassionate presence in the lives of all of humanity and the earth.
A well-known writer, spiritual midwife, international retreat leader and conference speaker, Joyce is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Praying Our Goodbyes, Open the Door, and Fragments of Your Ancient Name. Rupp is a member of the Servite (Servants of Mary) community and the co-director of the Institute of Compassionte Presence.
Questions about workshops?
Ready to book a workshop?
Reach out and I will be in touch!
Working with Businesses
The Enneagram is a nine-point symbol that is a map of the human experience depicting the 9 different perspectives of people. It is a system that describes the human condition organized from the inside out. It sheds insight into how to use all our capacities.
Gaining an awareness of ourselves and others from the perspective of motivation rather than behavior heightens trust and helps develop positive work relationships based on understanding.
Working with the Types
Gain Awareness and Appreciation
Leadership Style
Communication Style
Development Focus
Using Awareness for Personal Development
How each type has energetic connections to other types on the map that bring more precision to the way a person presents in their personality.
How to masterfully use strenghts of different types to grow beyond type patterns.
How biological instincts help form our motivation and how with focus of attention we can cultivate all the instincts becoming more balanced in our personality.
How each type defends their perception or viewpoint.
Staff Development
I teach the basics of the Enneagram of Personality from a spiritual perspective, guiding participants to appreciate other people from understanding what their gifts are and what motivates them to think, feel and respond. Each type has a unique leadership and communication style as well as stressors and path to development.
I provide materials to accompany the workshop as well as resources in doing the work in daily life.
The workshop is suited for four ninety-minute sessions or one full-day session.
Centering Prayer and Contemplative Meditation
Centering Prayer and Contemplative Meditation are key to awareness. Practicing guides you in recognizing thoughts and feelings, and builds the spiritual muscle needed to let them go. Practicing slowly aligns your reasoning mind with the heart mind so that your mode of perception is heart-based.
Finding Our Place in the Cosmic Story
As humans, one of our roles in the universe is to partner with God in protecting and honoring the sacredness of our home, the Earth. Another role is to partner with God in protecting and honoring our boundless internal home, the Soul. In doing so, we can awaken to our Essential Self, and cooperate with God in the awakening of the Collective Conscious. We come to acknowledge who we are in Christ, One with all that IS; and to see ourselves as part of the Creation Story in its entirety.
The Enneagram and SoulCollage align in a complementary way to bring this process into reality, enabling us to attune to and embody inner healing and transformation. Through imagery and intuitive exploration, SoulCollage helps us to see and experience in concrete ways what may previously have remained merely abstract. Through self-discovery of motives and defenses of our personality, the Enneagram helps us to identify our type and become aware of thoughts, feelings and reactions that have remained in our unconscious and cause us to suffer.
I co-facilitate with Deb Richards, Spiritual Director and SoulCollage facilitator.
Zoom Conferencing
I offer Zoom Conferencing for coaching sessions.